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Jesuit Lightening Protocol

Jesuit Lightning Protocol:

Jesuit has two built in lightning detectors (1) on the roof of their concession stand/bathroom bank on the south side of the football stadium which can be seen from the stadium and grass fields and (2) over the home side press box on the stadium field.  If the siren goes off simultaneously a light will begin to flash on top of the buildings which means there is lightning within 10 miles of the facility. The facility will be locked down for a minimum of 30 minutes.  Fans, players and coaches will be required to go to their cars.  No one is permitted to stay inside the athletic facility nor are they allowed to stand outside the gates for their own safety.  Any strike within 10 miles will reset the 30-minute clock on the lightening detector.  The athletic facility is all clear when the siren blows 3 short blasts and the light stops flashing.   The gates to the facility will be unlocked by Jesuit personnel.  

Please be advised that games may be called by the Referee’s, Jesuit Facility Manager OR Dallas Deuces  depending on how many minutes are left in the game OR the current radar status.   

EXTREME WEATHER:  In the event of extreme weather, the bathroom banks at south end of the stadium field and the north end of the grass field are to be used as shelter.